Monday, March 05, 2007

Rate It! - Customer Reviews in Yahoo

One thing most local searches have is an area for customer feedback about a particular listing. I did a quick search in various zip codes around the country for various fence companies and was amazed at how few companies had any rating at all.

Just take a look at what I found for the Little Rock Arkansas area for Fence. There are two companies out of 93 with a five star review. None of the other companies have any rating at all. Imagine if you were looking for a fence company in Little Rock, which would you click on first? Plus, they let you sort the listing by ratings.

There is nothing simplier to do then to get to stand out from the crowd than to have many glowing reviews.

How do you get good reviews listed on Yahoo?, It's very simple - you ask.

Everybody has a list of happy customers, just simply ask them to spend 60 seconds to write a quick review on the web.

They must be logged into Yahoo, which is free and very simple. The other big advantage of having mulitple glowing ratings is if you ever do have a customer who has a gripe against you it greatly diminishes the impact of a bad review. 10 good 1 bad is much better then 1 bad.

Other local listings also have rating systems, make sure company takes advantage of this easy and effective tool.

Make it a goal. By the end oif the month, make sure you have 5 good reviews on Yahoo.


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